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Once again I have to ask does twitter get a horn on Jew hatred? Or are its staff just wilfully ignorant?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 22 October 2023

I reported the account to twitter yesterday becuase in using anti-semitic images it clearly broke twitter rules. Have a look at the first of the six images in the top right hand corner. It is a star of David but not on its traditional background but on that of the Nazi flag. If you were in any doubt the small word on that flag is Lebensraum, the German for “living room”, what the Nazis used as its excuse for invading other countries out East, the Germans needed more room to live.

This clearly breaks twitter’s rules but the reply came back, @Alfafar has done nothing wrong, you will be most disappointed blah, blah, blah. Twitter is almost as useless as the Metropolitan Police when it comes to dealing with this sort of thing.

I will now run this article and twitter might then belatdely react as it did last time I had to run an article of this nature. I am able to do this, most folks failing to get twitter to deal with Jew haters do not have this resource. Maybe Elon Musk needs to give his staff a bit of training on this matter?


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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