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Gaza and the “fuel shortage” – another myth from Hamas PR and the Western media dupes: it’s not about hospitals its about the tunnels

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 25 October 2023

The UN, the hand wringing NGOs and, naturally, the western media led by the BBC and the Guardian tells us that there is a critical fuel shortage in Gaza which will see hospitals shut down. The evil Jews are even closing down the hospitals and the blockade must be stopped to save lives! The gullible idiots who march in the Hamas victory parades in western Cities each weekend repeat this canard. But it is a lie. Have you seen the film the Great Escape?

Three tunnels are dug to allow Allied prisoners to escape Stalag Luft III, Tom Dick and Harry. These are not long tunnels nor are they that deep but the prisoners soon discover the real problem: they need fresh air down in the tunnels. Ask any mining engineer about this, it is a critical problem. And having some light is also kind of pleasant too.

Hamas has built an incredible network of tunnels across Gaza and in some cases right up to or across the border with Israel. The tunnels protect its fighters, they are a great place to hide hostages, they allow weapons to be transported across Gaza away from prying Israeli eyes and they are also wonderful platforms to leap from to go kill a few Jews. If the tunnels survive, punishing Hamas for October 7 and freeing the hostages will be very hard indeed.

I am not saying that Gaza is awash with gasoline and diesel. It clearly is not. But the IDF has supplied images of what appear to be plentiful fuel storage depots. Yet Hamas tells the West’s useful idiots that unless more fuel arrives the Hospital generators will pack up and even more innocents will die.  The IDF thus knows that it would be dreadful PR to bomb the Hamas fuel depots. But equally it will prolong the war, cause many more deaths and make freeing the hostages that much harder if fuel is allowed in.

You will know that Gaza is out of fuel not when the hospital generators pack up but when the generators keeping the tunnels going pack up and the Hamas terrorists have to fight the Israelis from above ground. If hospitals are shut do not blame the Israelis blame Hamas which is prioritizing the tunnel generators over those in the hospitals.

The chances of the mainstream media reporting on this? Nil.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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