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A letter to the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University about its cover up for the Hamas praising Praising Professor Simon Mabon: 2 questions

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 6 November 2023

I have just dropped an email to James Fuller who runs the office of Professor Andy Schofield the Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University regarding the cover up for Professor Simon Mabon. Mabon is the man who praised Hamas on October 8, a day after it committed the worst mass slaughter of Jews since 1945. The Metropolitan Police has now stated that using the imagery endorsed by Mabon is something it considers to be a crime. And thus, cc’ing in hapless press officer Vicky Tyrell, I have asked the office of the Vice Chancellor, two critical questions. My email reads.

Asking for a Comment from the VC


I asked Victoria to pass the article below to the VC asking for a formal response, in case she forgot a link is at the bottom of my letter which also contains 2 questions for your VC and the University.

The issue is that the Met Police has now stated that images of bulldozers crashing through a fence with the Palestine flag are supporting a terrorist organisation Hamas which it considers to be a crime.

Yet Lancaster has stated that Professor Simon Mabon who, on October 8, Retweeted such an image and also praised those responsible for the worst one day mass slaughter of Jews since 1945 were engaged in an “act of resistance” , he praised a proscribed terror group for a horrific mass slaughter, has done nothing wrong.

My question for the VC is “will Lancaster still insist that the Metropolitan Police is wrong in its interpretation of the imagery and take no action against Professor Mabon or will it reassure Jewish students on campus that they have nothing to fear by suspending Mabon pending a formal independent enquiry.”

A second question is “whether Lancaster will consider formal training in combatting antisemitism for those who accepted the demonstrably bogus excuses made by Mabon when first confronted?”

I look forward to a formal response which does not force myself and others to take this matter to Lancashire Police


Tom Winnifrith

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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