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The AIM model is not working – Explosive Roger Lawson of ShareSoc interview

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 20 January 2013

I met up with Roger Lawson of ShareSoc last week to chat about life and record a video ( see below). The son of a miner, Roger is a self made man and commands my respect for that. When I lash out at an aspect of AIM, the City establishment can dismiss me as a maverick. See if I care. When Roger says what he says, members of the establishment who may ignore me have to listen. And what he says can be pretty incendiary.

We discussed how the Nomad system is broken and how Roger would fix it. How fund managers fail to hold PLC boards to account and also how private investors can hold PLC boards to account. Roger did not hold back.

ShareSoc does good work. I am happy to work with it on certain campaigns while retaining my independence as we do not agree on everything. I am sure that as with Lighthouse (LSE:LGT) we will ride into battle again.

I would urge private investors who care about boardroom excess and about when boards take decisions in their own interest rather than those of shareholders to consider joining ShareSoc at

Roger will be running an afternoon breakout session at The UKInvestor Show on April 13th. I am sure that you know that he will not be holding back in that session. The other breakout sessions include Christopher Booker on global warming ( a con), Mike Hall of Stanley Gibbons (LSE:SGI) on Alternative Investments, Amanda Van Dyke of Dundee Securities on making money from mining stocks and 8 CEO PLC presentations including ones by Jan Nelson of Pan African (LSE:PAF), Paul Atherley of Leyshon Resources (LSE:LRL) and Cathal Friel ( Cove Energy founder who has now started again at Fastnet Oil & Gas (LSE:FAST).

Main stage speakers include Mark Slater, Nick Leslau, Nigel Wray, Dominic Frisbey, Evil Knievil and Nigel Farage MEP.

For more details and to book your free ticket click HERE
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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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