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BBC Radio 5 Live’s Nihal Arthanayake : an overwhelmingly “white” working environment is damaging his mental health - get in the real world you arse

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 30 November 2023

Poor Nihal on a must be near six figure salary, Arthanayake says that his mental health is suffering from being in an “overwhelmingly white” environment at the BBC.  In the UK 81.7% of the population is white according to the last census.  Round at the BBC, where Nihal is a presenter on Radio 5, the latest stats show that 16.4% of the workforce is not white but the corporation is targeting a 20% figure.

Which brings us back to Nihal and his mental health. Just how in an overwhelmingly white country does he expect to work for a mainstream employer where the workforce is not overwhelmingly white?  What he is saying is therefore remarkably silly but, for fear of being termed racist, few will dare tell this overpaid media luvvy that he is talking rubbish.

My non-white son is one of just 2 non-white kids in his school. That does not affect his mental health:  he is doing superbly with a reading age, aged 7 years 2 months, of 10 years 9 months. And that is in English, you should see how he is doing in Welsh! He is happy and thriving, babbling away about a looming Christmas, Harry Potter and burning the bridges t England as any normal young Welshman would do . Joshua, like my wife needs no excuses, they just crack on with their work. Whinging folks like Nihal do nobody any favours. Least of all themselves.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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