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James Lambie cancels his subscription with a blood libel against the Jewish state

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 3 December 2023

Another day comes and another chap has cancelled his subscription to Shareprophets, the finamcial, fraud busting website I run. He does so with a blood libel against the Jewish state of Israel. My reply telling him his soul will burn in hell was headed “good riddance”. I’d feel dirty taking money from such vermin. Lambie writes:

Sorry to say that I have cancelled my subscription to Shareprophets due to Mr Winnifrith’s nausiating and blind support of Israel on a ‘can-do-no-wrong’ basis. and that he called me an anti-Semitic pig in response to my attempt to correct him on his assertion that the IDF does not target Palestian  (sic) civilians when history proves otherwise.


My support for Israel is not blind. I have criticized it in the past when it deserves it.

However, nobody other than outright Jew haters, or antisemitic pigs, say that Israel is targeting Palestinian civilians in the current Gazan conflict. Critics say that it is showing disregard in killing too many civilians as it targets Hamas combatants. But only a total Jew hater would argue that Israel is targeting Palestinian civilians as opposed to combatants.

As it happens the numbers on fatalities are interesting. Hamas claims that c14,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza but oddly that most are women and children which it defines as folks under 18 whether they are combatants or civilians. The fact that there are so few Gazan men in the Hamas numbers should make you smell a rat. Hamas has form in lying. Remember the hospital it said Israel bombed killing 00 when in fact it was a rogue missile from Islamic Jihad which killed 30.  So I do not believe the number from HamasisIsis, the terrorists.

But even if it is true, the Israelis claim to have killed at least 3,500 Hamas terrorists. The same terrorists who use civilians, hospitals, schools, mosques as human shields. But that combatant to civilian death ratio is way lower than the ratio of, say, the US and British forces in various Iraqi campaigns and shows that, despite the best efforts of Hamas to use its own civilians to protect its soldiers, the Israelis are doing an unbelievable job of trying to avoid civilian casualties.

Those are the facts. That James Lambie actually insists that the Israelis are targeting civilians shows what an evil antisemite he is. The only targeting of civilians in this conflict came on October 7 as Hamas organized the worst pogrom since World War two, baked a baby in an oven raped scores of women, burn folks alive and beheaded them. Lambie seems unwilling to express outrage about that.

Okay, I lose another £6.99 a month but the choice of staying silent to keep antisemites on board or taking a small financial hit is not one I think about for a second. As I have explained before, the last time I worked for a company I did not control, even though I was the CEO, I was banned by the compliance officer  from expressing any support for Israel. #Neveragainisnow. I will never be silenced again as folks like James Lambie pushing blood libels should be called out and exposed.

PS James has just emailed to say that for supporting Israel I am a “Nazi loving vile man”. I rest my case

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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