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Urging folks to “bake a jew” with an Auschwitz picture does not breach twitter/X Rules – Elon Musk are you mad? Do your employees hate Jews?

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 2 January 2024

I sent the image below to twitter/ X’s safety team this morning. Anyone can see that it is the most offensive antisemitism going. Twitter’s rules against hate  suggest it will act on tweets on the grounds of hate if they contain: “Slurs, Racist or sexist stereotypes, Dehumanization, Incitement of fear or discrimination, Hateful references, Hateful symbols & logos”

Well references to baking Jews with a picture of Auschwitz fits the bill.

And a hateful tweet needs also to show other features such as  “We prohibit targeting individuals or groups with content that references forms of violence or violent events where a protected category was the primary target or victims, where the intent is to harass”

Twitter account Goyim rights activist @User74247381 has clearly broken the rules yet within one hour I got a response:

After reviewing the available information, we want to let you know User74247381 hasn’t broken our safety policies. We know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for. If this account breaks our policies in the future, we’ll notify you.

You can block the account, which means they won’t be able to follow you, see your Tweets, or message you.

 Reports like this inform our policies, and we’re always reviewing them and how we apply them. We hope you’ll continue to make reports if you see things that might break our policies.

 Here’s a summary of what isn’t allowed on Twitter, according to our safety policies.

 Threatening violence against someone or a group of people

Celebrating or praising violence

Harassing someone or encouraging people to harass someone

Wishing harm on someone

Promoting violence, threatening, or harassing people because of their identity (like race or gender)

Promoting or encouraging suicide or self-harm

Images or videos that show sexual violence and assault

Child sexual exploitation

Threatening or promoting terrorism or violent extremism

We know we don’t always get it right. So if you think we made a mistake, you can report them again.


I reckon Elon might agree with me that celebrating what happened at Auschwitz breaks rule 2 very clearly. Elon what sort of Jew hating morons do you employ?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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