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Confronting the rubbish men: just how useless & mendacious is Wrexham Council (Con/Ind control)

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 4 July 2024

For the fifth week on the trot my general waste bin has been collected but the recycling bins have not been. On call after call to the Council the Mrs. has been promised that they will be collected within days but that was a lie. It was always a lie.

The bin men say they have  a new lorry that cannot get down the road.  They are fit young men who could walk an extra fifty yards to pick up our rubbish but will not. So perhaps me and my frail 93 year old neighbour could take it in turns to take our recycling up to the top of the lane?

The problem is, according to the binman, that their new lorry has fixed wheels and so cannot get past some overgrown bushes whereas, for instance, a lorry with a skip holding three tonnes of waste can.

So if we buy the, palpably untrue, bushes excuse whose job is it to cut them?  They do not border my land and the land they are on is, in fact, common land. It is the job of…..Wrexham Council which, until a couple of years ago, did actually do it.

I point this out. But am told that the council is now denying it. If it could be arsed to check the Land Registry it would see that it is wrong but it would rather just tell lies about bins that will be collected which will not be. Now remind me why I am forking out enormous council taxes again?

I will forward this to the Council press office for comment but do not expect the rainbow lanyard wearing officers to bother. My taxes pay their wages but does anybody care about providing a basic service any more or telling the truth to we the dirty plebs?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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