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Photo article from the Greek Hovel, that which is keeping the olive harvesting crew on tenterhooks

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 3 August 2024

Back in Airstrip One, T, J, R and others, all veteran olive harvesters are waiting with baited breath to hear if this year’s olive harvest is viable. The hot weather and drought has raised fears in some quarters. I have also pondered as to whether my health is up to it. 

On the latter point the direction of travel appears good on a nunber of fronts and I am feeling more optimistic about life. Perhaps I will do another ShareStock next year? Perhaps.  And I am certainly feeling more up for a harvest this December.

On the former, the summer was even more dry and hot than usual here in Greece. But as you can see in the first two photos below we have had a couple of big rain showers since we have arrived which is unusual. And that has been welcomed by the trees.

The one you see at the bottom is by the pool and has a good crop. I have not wandered the full length of the fields due to covid tiredness and to the grass being so long that snakes can slither with impunity. I can see trees with no crop but I can see others with a decent crop.The olives are small but the harvest is still four and a bit months away so, with a bit of rain, there is time for them to grow. 

It will not be a big harvest this December but, ceteris paribus, it will not be a total disaster.of course Autumn winds, fly infection and other acts of God can change everything but as things stand I reckon it is worth harvesting. 


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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