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Photo Article from The Welsh Hovel, a man's man wood store

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 21 August 2024

Real men have wood stores. The Mrs just does not understand what it means to me as I stack log upon log. Readers: I need some male affirmation here. Anyhow as a result of the tree being knocked down and a barn being knocked down earlier in the year I have vast numbers of logs to put in a wood shed emptied after what the Met Office termed“the warmest spring on record” when my fire had to be kept on virtually every single day.

Part of my job is stacking logs fromthe barn sawn by Robert into logs of the right size. But I have also had to wield my splitting axe to deal with the tree. You can see below how I progressed. With the job almost finished I now have three walls five foot high and about 12 foot long. Joshua and I have also created a big pile of kindling wood with which to start the fire each day.

All that remains are some logs which seem to defy my splitting axe. I will try and deal with them but if I fail I hope my pal C will bring his chain saw around and he can take half of what he cuts to leave me with the rest. I still have a good few small branches and smaller planks to saw one by one and so I hope to create a 4th wall with what results. That should easily last the full winter unless, of course we have another hottest spring on record.   That global warming can be very chilly.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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