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The BBC disgraces itself over Arlington and Donald Trump

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 1 September 2024

Last week Donald Trump accompanied by Tulsi Gabbard, an Iraq veteran, and others attended a ceremony at the National Cemetery at Arlington Virginia commemorating 13 US servicemen and women killed in the botched evacuation of Kabul. Kamala Harris accused Trump of using the ceremony as a political weapon and the BBC and the rest of the liberal media piled in behind Harris. If you are not on twitter you might think that this is another Trump own goal. Au contraire.

The parents of nearly all of the 13 have now recorded videos and these have been posted on twitter. In them the say that they have talked to President Trump several times before last week and found him a great support; that he did not gatecrash the ceremony but was specifically invited and invited to take photos. And that Biden and Harris were also invited but did not bother replying. Moreover the families of the 13 say they have not heard from Biden or Harris once since their sons died. At least some of the parents say they personally blame Biden and Harris for the botched operation and that they have blood on their hands.

Picking a fight with the families of dead servicemen killed on your watch is political suicide. That is what Kamala Harris has done and that only adds to a sense that her campaign is in trouble as I discussed earlier.  Yet the BBC is insisting that this is a story about Trump’s failings when the clear facts show otherwise.

And to think that I have to pay a license fee for this utter rubbish fake news. It is because of twitter that most of us now know that the BBC is pumping out lies. Yet the BBC is among those calling out twitter as a source of disinformation which needs controlling. George Orwell would love it.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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