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Revisiting water levels at Lake Vyrnwy: an inconvenient truth for the global warming cultists

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 9 September 2024

You may remember that I have been somewhat obsessed and have covered water level at Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, many times since it became a posterboy for the global warming cultists back in 2022 .

In August of that year, you could not escape wall to wall media coverage of reservoirs losing water. The posterboy was lake Vyrnwy, a Welsh reservoir created in the 1880s which submerged the Welsh speaking village of Llanwddyn so that thirsty English folk in Liverpool could get clean water.  The English bastards up to their usual tricks. Bastards.

But in August 2022, so severe was the drought that the ghostly remains of Llanwddyn started to appear. The press was astounded although it has happened several times before, in 1976 and on a  number of occasions in the era before the cultists said that global warming started.  But that is a mere detail. The press neglected to mention that Llanwddyn is at one end of the lake not the middle, the deepest bit. But still this was evidence of global warming and we were warned that such droughts are something we would have to learn to live with.

So how has that panned out. United Utilities which manages Vyrnwy lumps it in with Bala (Tegid) which it also runs. The two lakes were, as of Sunday 1stseptember 2024 79.5% which compares to a an average year of 78.9%. In other words rather than facing repeated droughts exposing ghostly ruins we appear to have had more rain than normal.

Across the region the reservoirs are as of 1 September 77.5% full,  down from 77.6% in 2023 but well ahead of the long run average of 74%. Again those promised repeated droughts are just not happening. No doubt Chris Packham, David Attenborough et al will say that this extra rain is a sign of climate change now that the droughts forecast as a result of climate change have failed to materialize.

As I noted the other day, after the coldest summer for nine years, the narrative is just unraveling. How Uncle Chris Booker would have enjoyed that unravel and poked fun at cultists such as George Monbiot for their folly.  

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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