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Celebrating gaining one pound

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 14 September 2024

When you lose a lot of weight some folks say ”well done” but others are nervous. ls it is a sign that you are sick.  I started the year at c17 stone, I ended August at 13 stone 4 pounds and it was deliberate. No booze, no biscuits: in fact my diet had become almost entirely rabbit food and fish. In an attempt to tackle cholesterol I was taking my coffee black and cheese, hitherto a great love, was out.

But, as I have relayed elsewhere I have had a serious of other issues crop up. A test for bowel cancer came up negative and so have so many other tests. Today I got the all clear on my kidneys and liver which, in the case of the latter, is pleasant surprise given my historic drinking. So that is good news but the symptoms which prompted the tests remain, albeit a bit less severely than a week ago when the stress of Sharestock must have got to me.

At the back of my mind there has been the nagging question: what if my weight loss is not all self induced?  And thus for the past week I have allowed myself bread and a bit of cheese and the odd biscuit just as an experiment. As I have been baking and preserving a lot, inevitably I have had the odd chef’s taster.

The net result is a weight gain of one pound. That is not dramatic but it reverses the very steady loss seen week in week out for months. It proves nothing but is vaguely reassuring.

Tomorrow I thus go back to the rabbit food regime and my target is still to hit 12 stone five by Christmas.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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