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Naming the paedophile teachers at Warwick School No 2, Alan Wilkins

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 8 October 2024

Last year I named music teacher Charles Watmough as a Warwick School paedophile teacher. That prompted another victim to come forward and go to the Police. Nothing has happened. In August another victim of teacher X contacted me and has now gone to the Police. He is one of seven victims of X to have given evidence to the Warwickshire fuzz on this matter. The CPS has been sitting on this case for a very long time and its failure to act is utterly shocking. I have testified. It has all it needs but nothing happens. Now I name a third paedophile teacher at Warwick School Alan Wilkins
Alan Wilkins was my form master in L2W when I was nine. I thought he was a total bastard and feared him. But I guess I was lucky in that he never molested me as Wilkins appears to have been a serial paedophile. He is dead now so nobody, including Warwick, has anyone to protect.

Wilkins had a room in the lower school boarding house, a place which made many boys very unhappy. He was a drama supervisor as well as a teacher and one OW recounts seeing him give an “audition” to a pretty young boy, a lad not yet 11. Wilkins shot an imaginary arrow at this lad who then had to collapse into his arms and warm embrace as he acted out his death. The door was slammed shut on this witness but he says that this was routine behaviour. Only pretty young boys got to audition for Wilkins.

Such antics are, at best, unusual. However I now see a comment from another OW on an article I wrote on this website which reads:

“I’d just like to add the routine sexual abuse in the mid-seventies by Alan Wilkins. When brought to the school’s attention more recently, they denied everything, despite the “accused” paedophile moving to Harrogate and developing a similar reputation there.”

I have urged the man who posted this comment to get in touch.

After 12 years of campaigning, I thought that Warwick was finally accepting that its past insistence that it had no problem with either physical or sexual abuse by teachers was itself a problem. If it can be open in saying that there was a problem and reach out to all OW’s not just the rugger hearty’s who read the school magazine and think that it was a fine old place, then many more victims will come forward. And only then can the scale of the abuse and Warwick’s role in facilitating it and protecting the guilty men come to light.

Mr X left Warwick with glowing references to teach at another public school. Watmough used his glowing references to give private piano lessons to little boys. Now it seems that Wilkins also got a golden pass from the school Does Warwick see something of a pattern yet?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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