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Florida Hurricane meets global warming nutters and dumb journalists at the Daily Mail

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 8 October 2024
My thoughts are naturally with those like the sister in law of my colleague Darren sitting in the path of the massive storm about to hit Florida. We will, as a family, pray for them tonight. The liberal media and the usual suspects such as Chris Packham, David Attenborough and, when not cheering for Hamas, the Doom Goblin Greta Al Thunberg, naturally see this storm as a sign of global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days. And thus it is described as “unprecedented”. But…

Sometimes the mask slips as it does in this Daily Mail  headlline. The storm is both unprecedented and the worst in 100 years. It is unprecedented and likely to be almost as bad as that of 1848.

This reminds me of those folks in the media blubbering about the far right AFD winning German elections. That too was described as unprecedented. Whatever.. Don’t mention Hitler, unless it is in likening him to Donald Trump.

Global warming cultists say that man made climate change started inn the 1970s. So they have to insist that this storm is a result of it. But history tells us that weather is just freaky. You get bad storms now and again however many times we all fly on easyjet. Just as the floods in the East of Europe this year were almost as bad as those of 1501, that proves nothing about man made carbon emissions but just shows that weather is freaky. And it always will be.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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