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Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: something to do at night as I can't sleep

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 14 October 2024
An MRI scan on Thursday might cost me a few quid but will, I hope, give the Shipmans a clue as to how to treat the sort of medical condition that a gentleman does not discuss on his blog. Suffice to say it is a pain in the bum and it means that, while not in actual pain, I have sufficient discomfort to make it hard to get to sleep. On a bad night, like last night, I might grab two hours in fits and starts. On a good night I might get five hours. So what to do?

There is always the TV. The fire is lit and the cats and I can watch old episodes of Endeavour, Foyle, Poirot and other detective shows which, of course, I have seen many times before. 

Sometimes I go for a wander around the village. I have told a few folks about this so if I am arrested as some sort of peeping Tom or, again, vilified on the village facebook site, they can set the record straight.

On other days I just stay up making jam, threading chillies or making stewed apple. The harvest is almost done with the last chillies threaded yesterday and now hanging up to dry in various places around the kitchen. So really it is just the apples and the old orchard was not flooded as I had feared and is still offering up more and more apples as you ca see below.

Joshua keeps saying” but you said last time we’d not be picking any more” and that is true but why let them go to waste? These days I have stewed apple with some raw oats and Greek Yoghurt as my breakfast and pudding after supper. I am sure that the late Dr Mosley would approve.

Last night’s stewing filled two kilner jars, three litres in total, which now sit in my fridge and can stay there for at least a week if not longer.

If I stew again tonight then I will save what is produced in bags in the freezer where they will last for eons, ready for my breakfast throughout the winter or to make a winter crumble, together with stored blackberries, should the family demand it.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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