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Photo article: Oxfam, 100 million Euro of your cash for this? Dad spins in his grave again

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 1 November 2024
One of the triumphs of the last years of my father’s life was getting him to cancel his Oxfam standing order. After many years of trying to persuade him that so much of his cash was being wasted iit was the peadophile scandal that finally persuaded him. Not only was Oxfam employing nonces in the field but it was protecting them after they were exposed.

That may have been an historic scandal but what should horrify folks now is just how inefficient is the Organization at helping fight famine. Its 2023 annual report shows that only 65p in every pound donated by well meaning Guardian readers like my late dad actually goes into the field to help folks. The rest goes on marketing, administration and other running costs.

And if you think that this is all about fighting famine think again. There is a major programme now running to help LGBTQ folks fight discrimination in the Ukraine. Yes that Ukraine, it seems that the “good guys” are nasty homophobes too.

Eagle eyed reader A from Oxford sends me photos of his local Oxfam store. No doubt that appeals to muesli munching public sector workers living in million quid houses in the City of lost causes. But it is really what a charity fighting famine should be all about?

Before you laugh at those donating to the cause, the 2023 annual report, stated rather annoyingly in Euro , shows that of the 977 million Euro of income, 10% was handed over by the UK Government. Another 6% came from the EU and UN. And Oxfam will have spent a good wodge of that cash lobbying for, inter alia, more cash. That is why it is a fake charity.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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