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Photo article from the Greek Hovel Olive harvest day 4 - the uncle Chris Booker photo moment

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 14 January 2025
In terms of the harvest there is not a lot to report. There was no rain, Tim and I ploughed on and we are on track. But Tim is a bit of a photo genius and I bring you two quite amazing photos to entertain you.

I want there to be plenty of cloud at night as I like it warmer. Tim seems not to need heating up, an ideal pensioner in Rachel Reeves’ Britain. A clear sky allows him to photograph the stars which in an area like this with little glare can produce stunning results.
Meanwhile on the higher taygetos mountains above us there is now snow. In years gone by I’d send a photo of this to my late Uncle Chris Booker, a high profile global warming sceptic as proof that there was plenty of global warming falling here in Southern Greece. There is more forecast to fall tonight.

Meanwhile in Northern Greece, in places such as Anelion where I spent childhood holidays, there are warnings that the snowfalls, which happen every year, are this year now unusually heavy.  Roads are being closed, villages are cut off. That’s climate change for you.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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