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Like father like son, an Oxbridge hat-trick now secured

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 31 January 2025

I went to Oxford. Sister T went to that other place in East Anglia and sister N also went to Oxford. My father scored an Oxbridge hat-trick and was rather proud of that. Two of T’s three boys made it in and N’s eldest got to Oxford. As for me…

My eldest daughter Olaf has an Oxford first but the little trustafarian seems unable to get a job. Daughter two is at that place in East Anglia attending the Hamas peace camp and picking up a boyfriend who has never heard of the Laffer curve but lectures all and sundry on the need to tax the rich even more. And yesterday, my elder son A was also accepted by Cambridge, subject to A levels, to read classics.

So I have my hat-trick and there is no pressure on Joshua whose express desire is to attend university in Wales with his fellow cottage burners.

To his credit A will be supporting Ireland not England on Saturday in the rugby unlike his Hamas supporting sister who, to the chagrin of her father and grandfather, supports the Old Enemy. But on the other hand his sister supports West Ham like her Dad, my son rebels by supporting Arsenal with a passion.

I hope that he will drink less at University than five Oxford antecedents, both his great grandfathers, his grandfather, father and the very thirsty Olaf. It did none of us any good.

A will attend the same college as his sister but unlike her, he is a stern Christian and a staunch right winger of the traditionalist Conservative variety. As a libertarian, I am troubled by some of his views. In the uber woke atmosphere of that place in East Anglia I rather hope he keeps his views to himself to avoid landing in the soup.

He will not. At school he was asked to write an essay on “how can I as an individual stop global warming”. Quite rightly he answered that he could not as it is a hoax and filled his answer with hard facts. Then, as I was yesterday, I was very proud of the son known as “weed.” 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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