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Am I still boycotting Starbucks?

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 6 February 2013

I do not really like Starbucks coffee. However, when the deluded lefties started boycotting the firm on the grounds that its directors were committing the heinous offence of fulfilling their fiduciary duties perfectly in ensuring that the company paid as little tax as legally possible, I felt a moral duty to show solidarity and drink its plastic offerings. Then Starbucks caved into the lefies and offered up a voluntary tax “donation.” My boycott started.

But where now? The company is showing some spine and warning Call Me Dave (and the lefties) that if it is forced to pay more tax than it legally has to it will – as I warned it would do – curtail UK investment. The political classes who bayed for blood will have their reward: fewer jobs and less PAYE/NI/VAT receipts all round. Such is the sort of victory the lefties have won for Britain.

Pro tem let’s see if Starbucks stands its ground. This may be bluster. The lefties are using its stores again. So for now my boycott continues. If it shows real spine and so triggers another lefty boycott it will at that stage be able to count on at least one new customer. Me.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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