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Brick Lane “never misses” but only if you are a Jew hating scumbag

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 17 March 2025
You may remember the grotesquely anti semitic mural on Brick Lane in London’s East End which Jeremy Corbyn liked so much. It seems those bearded hipsters, and that is just the women, have done it again as you can see below.

From right to left those dressed in Wehrmacht and SS uniforms are: the father and grandfather of Jews, the leader of the Jewish state, Israel, the leader of the country that lost more folks than any others fighting against the Nazis in WW2, Nigel Farage who was admittedly married to a German and a man who has fathered so many children with different women that, statistically, he must have at least one Jewish Kid.

In hipster Britain it seems that to be edgy you not only have to call anyone you disagree with a Nazi you have to suggest they really are actual Nazis
Like any half decent soul I find depicting the leader of Israel as an actual Nazi is grossly offensive if not an actual hate crime. If the Metropolitan Police was so not so busy celebrating Black LGBTQ month or how it can be more diverse, it would be feeling the collar of the author of this mural as well as folks praising it on twitter.

But it probably thinks that committing hate crimes against Jews or those with Jewish kids and grandkids by trivialising the holocaust in this way is all fine and dandy in Airstrip One today. It certainly seems to be a crime that is rarely punished.

Brick Lane “never

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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