There is so much I could have covered in this week’s caption contest but somehow the spark of interest is missing. I cannot think of anything at all funny to say and so I was tempted not to run a contest at all but with no prize on offer I offer up the following picture taken, I gather in Wales. In honour of PR prude Kay Larsen of College Group PR who thinks that she has the right to dictate exactly where her clients are covered and how, I offer up this picture.
For what it is worth my entry is:
Sheep One: I just want to talk about pornography
The ram in the middle: I just want to shag some sheep
Sheep Two: I only read articles about Advanced Computer Software which Kay Larsen says that I should
I should at this stage mention Kay’s other clients (DDD Group, Telit Communications, Tarsus Group and Keill JSC) so that they all also come up with links to articles mentioning her, pornography, sheep shagging and Cheryl Cole next time Kay does a google search.
If you fancy submitting an alternative caption on any matter please leave it in the comments section below. Feel free to address great issues like global warming, the Euro, David Miliband, Mike Hancock MP and alleged pervert, Al Qatada, whatever. It is not for me (or Kay) to say what you should write about.
Last week I asked you for captions for this picture.
Once again the standard of entries was dire and so the independent judge has awarded the prize to the Evil Son of deluded lefties for:
There is a surprisingly large turnout at the annual meeting of the Cyprus friends of Germany Society