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Downing Street Affair - Have you figured it out yet? Surely you have

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 3 June 2013

Call Me Dave is still trying to gag the press with legal threats. But if you have not noticed the odd giveaway on twitter, Guido Fawkes is giving you some bloody obvious clues as the the two folks involved in the Downing Street Affair.

Yes, sitting in a quiet side street in a sleepy Warwickshire town I know the names. I am amazed if everyone else does not. For the avoidance of doubt David Cameron is not one of those who were shagging away from home. But...

If one looks at the link to the original Guido story the image of the Mail on Sunday splash has the letters ACRB.png on it. How odd.

If one looks at the unfunny cartoon on Guido's website today you will see that it contains the letters LOL - famously Cameron thought this meant Lots of Love when texting which individual currently facing trial?  Laugh Out Loud. What can he mean by this?

Figured out Guido's ACRB reference yet? So who is the other half? He was apparently working in a highly sensitive position within Downing Street at the time of the affair. He is not now. It is the timing of the affair that is most difficult for Call Me Dave to deal with - that is why it is explosive.

I was chatting to a journalist today. Had my phone been hacked you would have heard us discussing the implications of this all.

In the old days the News of the World would haved printed it all.

Call Me Dave really needs to just come clean and deal with it as his attempts to keep a lid on this are making him look ever more ridiculous.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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