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John Bercow is 100% right about European immigrant workers – the mainstream parties & UKIP faux outrage is pathetic

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Speaker John Bercow is in many ways a horrible little man. However for once I have to applaud him for stating what is a self-evident truth on the matter of immigration – something which the mainstream parties have lambasted him for as they grub for votes.

Bercow stated: "I want to underline the fact that there has been an important wave of immigrants that came to Great Britain from new member states and in many cases they came with aptitudes and a commitment, an involvement we haven't always seen in our labour force.”

He is bang on the money. The growing success of our Real Man Pizza Company restaurant  in Clerkenwell sees us again hiring for another waitress/sous chef position.  It is hard work and if you play the benefits system well you are better off not taking the gig. Once again the advert goes up and once again I have received a flood off applicants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, all keen and in London looking for work.

However the idea of working for £6.50 an hour or may be £7 really does not appeal to native Brits. I have received absolutely ZERO applicants from British born workers. And how many unemployed young Brits are there in London?

Real Man currently has one part time waitress who is British and killing a few months before heading off to set up a scuba diving school. She is the only British applicant (other than one who was utterly illiterate) I have had recruiting for 5 staff posts since Christmas. I have had hundreds of European applicants. Most have degrees and qualifications and are well spoken and presentable.

Bercow is bang on the money. Our welfare system has created an attitude amongst far too many of our home grown “talent” that they will wait for the “right job” or forever and live off welfare. Thank God for immigration.

Bercow is attacked by the four main parties for a) daring to say this at all or b) not being neutral as a speaker should be. This is faux outrage. The 4 main parties know that immigration is not popular and they are simply grubbing for votes among Daily Mail readers. They are simply seeking cheap votes by being seen to be angry with Bercow.

Instead they should be addressing the issue of why so many Britons are happy not to seek work. And that means tacking welfare aggressively. Given that bankrupt Britain has a £100 billion deficit which is unsustainable welfare must be tackled. But the political class care not about dealing with welfare dependency or budget deficits but simply about ensuring getting positive write-ups in the popular press and their survival at the 2015 election.

Good for you John Bercow. Cripes I never thought I’d be writing that.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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