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Patrick Mercer MP is a crook and now also exposed as a bigot – why is he still an MP? Is anti-semitism okay?

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 8 June 2013

Sleazebag Tory Patrick Mercer MP has been caught on camera taking bribes. He is a crook. A common criminal. And yet while resigning the Tory whip he says that he will “do the honourable thing” and remain as an MP until the next election, collecting a full pay & perks and then he will stand down to collect a full pension. Does this make you happy?

Before the last election there was a lot of talk from politicians about recall – the idea that if your local MP was caught taking bribes or having an affair with Rebekah Brooks ( most folks in London seem to have one stage or another) the voters could effectively boot him out. Oddly once the swine returned to the Westminster trough there was rather less talk of this.

But Mercer is more than a common thief he is also a bigot as this video shows. His references to a “bloody Jew” are offensive and mark him out as an A1 prize bigot.  Naturally though when Lib Dem and labour MPs and Lords have also made blatantly anti-semitic remarks and got away with it nothing will happen. Had he said “ bloody Moslem” maybe it would have merited more attention.

Once again the sad fact is that in 2013 Britain, anti-semitism is the socially acceptable form of racism.

And in 2013 criminal bigoted men are still allowed to sit as MPs.

Once again I despair.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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