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Blocking some tool (Clive Winward) on twitter

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 12 June 2013

This moron tweets me directly now and again accusing me of buying shares, tipping them and selling. That is called pump and dump and it is illegal. I do not do it and have never done it. My share dealing records are open for all to see. To make my life rather simpler these days I just do not deal in shares at all. Winward knows this and knows that if I have an interest in anything I write about I declare it, but happily runs a twitter account solely for the purpose of sending tweets to @tomwinnifrith making this accusation.

And so at three levels:

1. What a pathetic way for Clive to spend his life.  What sort of cretin just keeps himself happy tweeting a defamatory statement for which he has no evidence (for there can be none) for pleasure.  Cannot he get a more socially acceptable hobby like masturbating to hard core pornography?

2. I am not going to demand he be banned from twitter or sue him. He is a cretin but I believe in free speech and this Louise Mensch Idea that you spend half your life reporting obvious loons to the Old Bill is just silly.

3. I am happy to engage in sensible dialogue on twitter but simply receiving a stream of abuse and defamatory comments adds nothing to my life. I do a job and get on with it. Clive can tweet away as he wishes, when not heading off to download his next dose of hard core porn, but I have no interest in seeing his rubbish appear in my twitter stream so I blocked him.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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