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EU Sponsored Public Executions?

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Trying to find out how much money the EU has given to Gaza in aid is almost impossible but you will be delighted to know that we are the biggest backers of this regime. And so just what sort of regime are we shovelling cash to? In that vein I read press reports this week where senior court official Khaled el-Batash argued that Gaza courts should have their own police, who would implement court rulings by publicly executing condemned criminals.

Public executions would serve to deter Gaza residents from serious crime, he argued. The Hamas regime has already reintroduced the death penalty for a number of crimes, among them murder, rape, drug dealing, and - the most heinous of all, "collaborating" with Israel. That charge is appled to those who who provide information on terrorist activity that is used to assassinate terrorists or otherwise thwart attacks. In other words if I report a potential suicide bomber or the site of an illegal rocket launcher to the wicked Jews I can be executed.

Some of these executions have indeed occurred without a formal trial and in public but it seems now that the “moderates” are on the back foot and that there is a push for more public executions. And this from a regime that is only solvent because of EU aid. It is always good to know that my taxes are going to such good causes.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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