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Another one year anniversary marked today

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 27 June 2013

It is a bit of a day for reflection. For it was exactly a year ago today that I headed down to Gatwick Airport to fly to Greece. It was a one way ticket as frankly I was not exactly sure if or when I would bother coming back. As I am sure you are all aware my world had pretty much imploded. As I sit here a year later an awful lot has changed.

At one level it is all to the good. I shall have a quiet meal with my deluded lefty partner tonight. Professionally, the writing and the Real Man restaurant and UK Investor Show are all pretty much on track. Nothing happens as quickly as you might like but the trend is my friend.

But there is always another side. On my return I was pretty determined only to work with folks who I really knew and trusted and who really wanted to work with me. And I was determined not to get enmeshed in a bureaucratic corporate structure ever again.

A merger proposal came in for shareprophets the other day which – after just over two months was kind of flattering. But as soon as I saw that there was a discussion about boardroom composition and the split of non-executive directors I just felt sick and could not go on. I am sure that next up would have been editorial policy. It is the sort of thing that makes me wake up at night in a cold sweat.

But as you get involved in a more successful structure life becomes more complex. And so after two hours sleep last night (I just could not sleep for some reason) I found my attempted siesta this afternoon interrupted by someone angrily demanding payment of an invoice that was all of nine days due. Yes we have the cash. I had asked that it be paid and someone had forgotten. That sort of thing happens. It will be paid tomorrow.

But did I really come back to embrace this sort of nonsense. I suppose it is how the world is but it just seems unnecessary and stressful. At least Greece is now just six days away. That will be a good time to write and think about a change in the business plan. And now off for that romantic meal. Naturally, it will be in a Greek restaurant.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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