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The Deluded Lefty in the Doghouse Big Time- Awful hotel call (hell on earth at Anita)

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 14 July 2013

The deluded lefty thought she was being clever booking us out of chez Spiros and into another place closer to Corfu town. Chez Spiros may have temperamental showers but it is clean, if you ask for a double bed you get it, it has a lovely pool and a laissez faire attitude to rules on swimming. It is peaceful and quiet, Spiros is a lovely bloke, the beach is 50 yards away and there are relatively decent restaurants half a mile away. And it costs 25 Euro a day.

Instead I find myself in the hotel Anita where we have paid 50 Euro a night for twin beds ( having ordered a double, don’t tell her father) in a cramped little room about half the size of that chez Spiros but which is rich in wildlife – that is to say mosquitos. I have been bitten all over.

I kind of knew I’d loathe it as I pulled up on Friday night to hear music (that is to say Boney M) blasting from the restaurant where lights flickered. Was it crawling with good looking birds? Er no, there was an attempt to enforce jollity among a smattering of 60 year olds and a couple of young families. One English bloke dressed like he was on a bad golf day and (not surprisingly) alone was getting in the swing of it by getting off his face. The only thing worse than enforced jollity is Brits abroad getting off their face, especially if they look and act as if they are part of the care in the community programme.

Since there was nowhere else to eat within a mile I accepted the hosts invitation to eat there (it is in the price) and picked at a dire tomato salad and some dead cat with chips. I managed a glass of coloured mouthwash which apparently was termed red wine and played Word Mole so as not to make eye contact with the drunken Brit.

There are numerous rules about what you can or cannot do in the smallish pool. I think you are allowed to swim but have only read half the rules. And I have been aroused from my slumbers at 5 AM by the mosquitos, aeroplanes taking off and the main road next door. So I come to work but Wi-Fi works only in the main bar area where there are even more mosquitos than in my room. I guess that comes from building next to a swamp not the sea.

All in all moving from chez Spiros was a disaster which even the DL now concedes. She said that the Hotel Anita has rave reviews on tripadvisor. Whatever…it is my idea of hell on earth and I am beginning to think that her judgement may be somewhat suspect. Oddly, after having met me, apparently some of her mad lefty friends arrived at the same conclusion.

Having said that we had a wonderful day yesterday doing not a lot. And she is a top woman. It is just that I am booking where we stay tonight.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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