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Sefton: Even at its Death the dirty tricks continue?

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 29 August 2013

In what appears to be a company inspired campaign I see that the Bulletin Boards are suggesting that the pizza man (i.e. me) has run out of cash and that I am thus about to cave into Sefton and concede in the libel case. Jeepers. Since the posters involved have historically had a direct line to Sefton IR fuckwit Doctor Michael gopher Green, I assume the worst. With Sefton that has historically been a fair assumption to make.

For the avoidance of doubt. I have not run out of cash. As it happens, my employer (RMPC) booked revenues of just under £15,000 yesterday – the best day in its history. As such that part is total bollocks.

And when it comes to the case, Sefton has called just one witness and cannot at this stage call others. That witness was Jim Ellerton who is now a disgraced proven liar and a crook. The AIM team have said that he is not fit to sit on a PLC board. Wheels are turning in Colorado to ensure that he is charged with perjury (a 5 year stretch) for his 2008 deposition. His own lawyers say that he is thoroughly discredited and the Sefton case is in tatters. It IS running out of cash.

It is Sefton’s advisers that are reaching out to me (and Dan Levi) to agree a settlement which will involve SEFTON paying our costs. But the RNS issued by Sefton on 24 February 2013 about myself and Dan was clearly defamatory, malicious and untrue. The only question now is what damages we will obtain from Sefton to deal with that matter. And those discussions are underway as are discussions on the nature of the apology TO US FROM SEFTON.

I hope that is clear. Even to the gopher who is in enough trouble as it is and should put a cork in it as further aggravation will only make myself and Mr Levi more aggressive in our claims for damages.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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