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Sefton - The Sniper is Very Much on Duty - firestorm ahead

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Well fuck you Sefton Resources (SER). Your lawyer Russell Booker of Pinsent Masons has told you (in emails leaked on the internet) that your case is unwinnable. The whole City is laughing at you. You are running out of cash. The NEDs, led by Keith Morris, have been offered a way out that ends the cashburn for you but still you think that you can bully myself and Dan Levi. And so to court we go again on Friday. But now it is we who are going to start to play hard ball on the legal and also the editorial front. Brace yourselves for a firestorm.

On that bullying tack, please think again if you think that your posh, uber expensive, City establishment pals at Pinsent Masons can make us flinch. Our surnames are deceptive. You are taking on the fighting Irish. Okay Dan is a left footer and I am a blue nose but in the spirit of Wolfe Tone we are going to fight all the way together. Only, on this occassion, we will win.

My next article exposing you for the scumbags you are goes live tomorrow. The sniper is again very much active.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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