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The Biased BBC, Gay Rights, Israel and the Islamofascists

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 16 October 2013

God knows why I was watching the BBC but I was and found myself watching a trailer for a show on one of its channels that no-one ever watches but which the grateful taxpayer funds anyway. Gosh I hate the BBC and the bias that flows through its every vein.

The trailer opened with footage of the gay pride parade in Tel Aviv and then showed footage of soldiers holding hands and other demonstrations of how it is perfectly accepted to be openly gay and Israeli. The commentator asked “how can this happen?” How in the Middle East can we find such tolerance?

What planet is this toe-rag living on? The answer is “BECAUSE TEL AVIV IS IN ISRAEL.” It may come as a shock to the BBC but Israel (which it abhors) is a tolerant society where you can be gay, you can openly criticise the Government, you can protest against the Government and where you can vote the Government out of office and where you can worship whichever God you want as you wish. And you can do all of this without risking imprisonment or being strung up from a crane. It is a liberal democracy.

Although this does not fit with the BBC’s preferred narrative, the rest of the Middle East (including Gaza) is an islamofascist theocracy/kleptocracy. Everywhere else in the Middle East you risk jail or death for worshiping the wrong God, sleeping with the wrong person, criticising the Government or believing in a free press. The rest of the Middle East is NOT a liberal democracy.

I think most of us have recognised that there is only one liberal democracy in the Middle East years ago. But it seems to come as a surprise to the BBC. And so it uses taxpayers cash to make a programme no-one will watch, expressing its surprise.

My blood boils. But it serves me right for watching Pravda in the first place.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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