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The Best of #Ourday – Infuriating shite from the Public Sector

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 18 October 2013

#Ourday was a twitter PR fest. Apparently local Government staff from across the UK took time out from their busy schedules to tweet examples of how they make our lives better. I bring you a few classics below. Be calm as this might annoy you.

MT @SouthHams_DC: Kate is the co-ordinator of our Walk & Talk Health walks taking place across #SouthHams. #OurDay

EastLindseyDC ‏@EastLindseyDC8h

Our Communications Team is heading off to bed after 24 hours of tweeting for #OurDay #Goodnight

Did you know that the Council produces 4 editions of BH Life magazine a year? Check them out online:  #Ourday

North WarwickshireBC ‏@North_Warks_BC9h

Dean in Environmental Health is working on how much noise the High Speed 2 train would make if it comes through here. @stopHS2 #OurDay

South Holland DC ‏@SHollandDC9h

Staff awareness campaign on energy saving has been the order of the day for our carbon management officer Jacqui. #ourday

North WarwickshireBC ‏@North_Warks_BC10h

Mandy attends local Domestic Violence Forum to discuss local issues with other agencies.  #OurDay

Watford Council ‏@WatfordCouncil10h

Having fun on your Watford night out? We operate 93 CCTV cameras, 24 hours a day, to help keep you safe #OurDay

EastLindseyDC ‏@EastLindseyDC11h

We monitor the solar panels on our leisure centres. These reduce our carbon footprint #OurDay

South Holland DC ‏@SHollandDC12h

Community development officer Karen's really cooking on gas - more people now on our healthy cooking course. #ourday 

Zoe Glacken ‏@zoeglacken12h

Just had a v productive meeting at @CommunitiesUK about working together - another great opp through @ngdp_LGA and @LGAcomms #ourday :)

Amanda Sharman ‏@Shandymarman13h

#ourday talking today about the rights of people to make risky decisions. 

Oh cripes I can bear this no longer. Meeting with other agencies, a hard day talking from a safe job about making risky decisions, taxpayers cash being spent on teaching lardbuckets how to cook a lettuce, boasts about Orwellian camera systems, Carbon management Officers, propaganda foisted on punters with taxpayers cash via magazines and council communications teams on twitter. Jesus, I give up.

So how about #Myday. Get up at 6.30. Stopped work at 12 midnight after chatting to customers. Take no break, Risk MY capital to build a business. Put bread on the table for 10 people and their families. Generate vast amounts of tax via VAT, PAYE, Income tax. 

Get bashed as being a wicked fucking capitalist and not appreciating the fact that someone earning twice what I do, risking none of their capital while “working” as a carbon management/cooking diversity/agency co-ordinator officer is inherently a better person than I am because they work for the state and I am just a wicked fucking capitalist.





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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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