Why do these fools set themselves up for humiliation? Well if you are President of the Evil Empire you are used to it. And so this afternoon Herman Van Rompuy (@auHvR) tweeted: Welcome all to this live Twitter Q&A on innovation. I may not answer all Qs, but will try to answer as many as possible #Askthepresident – if he was expecting not to get any questions he was in for a shock. Tosser! You deserve it. Here is the best of #Askthepresident
The day the Evil Empire met British twitter users at their best and was trashed:
A Libertarian Rebel @A_Liberty_Rebel5m
Why is it that the EU is the trading bloc where economic growth is most sluggish, with a declining share of world trade? #AskthePresident
#Askthepresident Do you think people lack trust in the EU because it is a toxic corruptocrats paradise presided by goons like yourself?
Prime Minister Toy ® @WelshToy15s
#Askthepresident Do you have any idea when the eu will be able to present their audited accounts?
Prime Minister Toy ® @WelshToy1m
#Askthepresident You are aware that no one actually likes you, yes?
How many votes did you win by ? Who came second #askthepresident
.@euHvR Are you going to answer any questions about EU waste and lack of democracy, or just those you find comfortable? #AskthePresident
Pyro Lord of Flames @PYROLordofFIRE32m
#Askthepresident So when are you holding presidential elections? Oh wait
Happy to Be Tommy @HappytobeTommy36m
#Askthepresident how does it feel to have control in more european countries than Hitler managed even though Hitler was elected?
#Askthepresident What have you bought Nigel Farage for Christmas? #UKIP
Michael Archer @mikearcher871m
@euHvR As you're not elected, how much does your unaccountable office charge the taxpayer for your existence? #Askthepresident
@EUhvr #Askthepresident Due you think we in the UK should swear allegiance to the Queen or have you taken her place?
@EUhvr #askthepresidnow do you believe in the concept of a Nation State or is that concept only for swivel eyed loons?
#Askthepresident What's your favorite cheese? Oh yeah, and who the fuck voted you in ya cunt? But mostly, what's your favorite cheese?
#AskThePresident My banana looks a bit too bent. Is it safe to eat?
@euHvR #Askthepresident Does the EU have a future and are you bothered?
Lord Old Holborn @OHwinsAgain37m
#AskthePresident Greece just called you a poof and wants to see you in the car park. Well?
Which of your advisers thought this was a good idea? Are you now really cross with them? #AskthePresident
For what it is worth my own effort has yet to get a reply:
Tom Winnifrith @TomWinnifrith
#AskthePresident - with youth unemployment at 60%+ please explain why Spain & Greece have gained from joining the Euro?