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Nigella Lawson – do I view her differently as a coke-fiend?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 1 December 2013

It is alleged that the domestic goddess Nigella Lawson is in fact a coke fiend. The allegations have cropped up in a rather tawdry court case involving two of her employees and have been fanned by her ex-husband Charles Saatchi.

Nigella’s slick PR machine urges us to get behind this poor woman, formerly married to a wife beater to tweet #teamnigella and to feel better by making a scrummy holiday hotcake with eggnog cream. Calories 5000. Royalties to Nigella’s bank account even more.


As a foodie I always had a bit of a soft spot for Nigella. I would use her recipes now and again but adding in a few spontaneous extras.  As a celebrity chef pin-up bird, there is a Nigella scenario: she is naughty enough to make 7,000 calorie recipes and to throw in an extra half bottle of sherry but it is all done in a relatively wholesome manner.

And her ex, Saatchi, is clearly a prize shit. Hitting her is bad enough but apparently he refused to eat her food as well. Surely for a cook that counts as domestic abuse?

But….it seems as if Nigella was not as wholesome as we thought. It was all a PR image carefully maintained. The curvaceous, naughty in a boozy way, domestic goddess is exposed as someone who nips off into the loos to do a line of Charlie.

I take a tolerant view of drugs but Nigella on coke is not the woman who all rather fancied. The spell is broken and d the brand is tarnished.

Nigella has enough money and will no doubt make even more. Not, however, from me.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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