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I feel sorry for Harriet Harman’s husband on two counts & David Morris MP (Con) is a prize tool

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 14 December 2013

Jack Dromey MP is a bit of a loathsome turd.  A career Union official (i.e. overpaid pen pusher rather than actual worker) he is married to Harriet Harman who led the drive to get all women shortlists for safe Labour seats. And then her husband found himself selected for such a seat. But today I feel myself feeling very sorry for poor Mr Dromey on two counts.

First up the poor chap visited a post office where he met a fellow whose nickname is “pikey” prompting Dromey to tweet a picture of him and Pikey saying he was with a Pikey from the Post Office.

Had he been with a fellow whose nickname was “plonker” he would have tweeted he was with a “plonker from the Post Office”. But immediately the anti-racist stormtroopers assumed this was a comment about Irish gypsies. Since 2007 it has been a prosecutable offence to refer to these folk as Pikies.

It clearly was not and Mr Dromey has – on this occasion – done nothing wrong. I expect leftie rabble rousers to kick up a fuss. What fills me with despair as this a leading Tory MP and pal of Call Me Dave , Mr David Morris has now asked the Old Bill to investigate poor Dromey for incitement to racial hatred. What a prize tool.

David Morris knows full well that Dromey is guilty of nothing. He is simply wasting taxpayer’s cash in an attempt to score a very cheap political point.  Morris yo0u little shit have your forgotten that Tories are meant to oppose wasting taxpayer’s cash? And given that there was clearly no incitement to anything here have you forgotten that Tories are meant to believe in liberty?

It is the sort of antics that David Morris MP - a former hairdresser – is engaging with which makes we mere peasants want to string the entire political establishment up with piano wire. It is all a game but it is game played at our expense.

As for Dromey I clearly feel rather sorry for him on this matter. And the second reason I feel sorry for him? Surely that is obvious – he is married to the ghastly Harriet Harman.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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