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Breaking News: Tom Winnifrith’s three legged cat Oakley (pictured) headhunted by Numis Securities

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 27 March 2014

Heck it is on twitter so it must be true. Apparently following an exchange of comments about Tom’s piece earlier today on POS stock Iofina (HERE) the headhunters have been instructed to approach Oakley (pictured below).

Oakley is the one on the right. Tara still thinks that if you slash forecasts you keep the target price unchanged so she should not be an analyst should she?

Does a new career as an analyst covering junk AIM stocks such as Iofina beckon for Oakley? Well at least he understands that if forecasts are changed then by definition the valuation of a stock must change. You don’t need to be FCA regulated to get that do you? Even if tara and certain others have not worked it out yet.

The tweet which unearthed this surprising news is below:

Stuart Nuttall ‏@DiscoStuToo  4h

BREAKING NEWS: 's cat headhunted by broker Numis Securities

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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