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After UK Investor Show 2014 Sell out Triumph – “early bird” 2015 tickets are now on sale

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 8 April 2014

The UK Investor Show 2014 yesterday was a sell-out show which attendees seem universally to have enjoyed. The 90 growth companies attending say that they enjoyed engaging with some quite spirited investors and everyone had a ball. For me the highlights were:

1. Making the Queen of Tech, Vin Murria laugh not once but twice on stage. That should be a career high to retire on. I found her session with CEOs Stephen Streater, John  Wisbey and Marcus Hanke utterly riveting.

2. Value investing with Nigel Wray, Ed Croft, Paul Kavanagh and Chris Bailey really was very different to what we have done before in this area. All were smooth, self-deprecating but really insightful.

3. In the shareholder activism session Paul Scott & Roger Lawson did not hold back while our “ordinary investors” Nigel and Richard showed how anyone can make a difference on the AIM Cesspit.

4. Amanda van Dyke’s legs in the mining session.  The Goddess was in fire. In fact that whole session was again illuminating with Amanda showing she is a hell of a lot more than a pretty face and Dom Frisby letting tip in a way that makes me think he should join shareholder activism next year. Should I tip a gold stock or two? On balance not yet.

5.  Ben Edelman was a real showman but also a geek who knows his stuff. I really wish Blinkx had taken up my offer to respond to Ben as he made some really massive points.

6.  The bears seemed united on Globo. We had laughs all the way but Matt Earl, Lucian Miers and Evil also made some very valid points.

7. The after show party for speakers and gold ticket holders. The winner of the financial celebrity make a pizza competition was Ed Croft followed by Paul Scott (but he cheated with his training in Domino’s). Sandra Spencer…don’t give up your day job. Paul Scott has tweeted that I was a “charming” person. I shall be consulting my lawyer in the morning about this patently defamatory remark. I have a reputation to maintain.

There are more and as this week rolls on we will be starting to post 70 different videos from the show. And myself and the other writers who attended (I must mention Malcom Stacey who my wife voted the most charming man present and I tend to agree) will be posting a few of their thoughts.

The date for the 2015 show has now been set: 18th April in Westminster

For next year we will be adding to the fireworks with some new sessions, new speakers and new formats with expanded floor space but the stars will be certainly back. Already companies are contacting me asking to re-attend. And tickets are now on sale, both investor class and 125 Golden Tickets which guarantee you front row seats in all sessions and entrance to that after show party.  

Until June 30th all tickets are being sold with a 50% early bird discount. You can book NOW HERE.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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