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The Gay Tory Researchers and their Orgies – the ONLY scandal is that the taxpayer is footing the bill

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 13 April 2014

The papers are full of lurid details of the personal activities of the lads and lasses who work at the Conservative Policy Unit. Apparently gay and straight alcohol fuelled orgies are par for the course. I do not care. What folks do behind closed doors is 100% their own business. So what if some Tory researchers and MPs like casual gay sex? Who cares? This is 2014 not 1914. It is not as if what they are doing is even illegal anymore.

Yes I find some of their activities distasteful. It is very brave of them to “come out” and admit that they work for a party that contains Maria Miller, wants to gag the press, supports secret courts and intervention in Syria and pisses away tens of billions on welfare, joke University degree courses, foreign aid, etc., etc. Being one of Cameron’s conservatives is pretty embarrassing but they are consenting adults so, though I find it distasteful, they have every right to be out and proud 2014 Tories if that is what floats their boat.

But there is a scandal here. And as ever it is the brazen way that the political classes abuse the taxpayer. The CPU is funded by donations made by each Tory MP who then claims the sum back on expenses. So when the head of the CPU hires a £2,500 penthouse for his sex party and puts it on his expenses that cash is ultimately coming from the taxpayer, from you and me.

By all means the chap can shag who he wants. It is none of my business and I do not give a dam. But he has no right to send the bill for his luxury shagpad to the taxpayer.

Call Me Dave has now “resigned” the man who headed up the CPU and so tried to draw a line under this episode but again he fails to understand the anger of we over-taxed plebs. If the Tory MPs want a research unit then let the fuckers pay for one themselves. Do not stiff the taxpayer with the bill. It is called market forces. If the MPs think that it is worth funding such a unit they will pay for it with THEIR cash. When one uses other people’s cash there ceases to be any accountability, any appreciation of value for money.

Once upon a time the Conservative Party used to believe in smaller state, in lower taxes, in less Government spending and in market forces. Can you remember those times Mr Cameron?


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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