Unless I am very much mistaken the poster below advertisers a worker’s day demonstration in Syntagma Square Athens, opposite the Parliament of Greece on May 1st. As you know I want to help the workers at every opportunity and so shall be there to show solidarity.
Of course workers would be far better off and have far more opportunity for material advancement ( i.e. higher take-home pay) if employers were encouraged to take them on by abolishing the minimum wage, scrapping employers NI, abolishing all “employment rights” laws, taking anyone on under £20,000 out of the tax system etc. But I am not sure that I will share my thoughts of anarcho-capitalism with the comrades tomorrow.
Will it be a peaceful demo? Hmmm, I sense that rioting can become a bit addictive. Once you have hurled a few smoke canisters at the old bill, it is hard to say no should the opportunity arise again. And while workers of the world may be united in their hatred of wicked capitalists (aka those who risk their own cash to create jobs) the workers in Greece also hate their own corrupt politicians, the EU, the Euro, Angela Merkel etc. with a passion and a justified one to boot. I have more than a little sympathy with them.
As such the Greek Riot Police are ready for anything. The photo below shows a stash of riot shields next to a van just around the corner from the Square.
I shall be wandering down after breakfast camera in hand to catch all the action. Roll on the riot pornography…