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First Great Western Telling Lies

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 21 October 2014

I am a man of habit on the travel front. At 4.20 AM on every other morning V cars of Bristol picks me up and I arrive at Temple Meads by 4.30 despite the routine warning from the cab firm that if I miss my 4.47 AM train it is my own fault if I book a cab any time after 4.02 AM. I could walk to the station in 45 minutes, at this time of morning the drive is a breeze.

The station doors open sharply at 4.30 AM and I wander in after the initial mini rush to buy my super off peak return to London. Since my debit card is sufficiently worn that First Great Western auto-reflects it although it works fine in ATMs, I always pay by cash. By 4.41 I am in carriage F ready to order a latte by Bath and tapping away on my laptop. Such is my routine once a fortnight.

But two weeks ago the sign below greeted me as I tried to buy my ticket. I ended up buying on the train but the routine was broken. And lo and behold exactly two weeks later the same sign is there. First Great Western are you sure you have called an engineer? Really?

I guess a new routine is called for.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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