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Punching the air at Real Man Pizza – now we go on the attack for free speech & great food

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Real Man Pizza Company is one of the worst rated Tripadvisor restaurants in London. Over the past year free speech denying shareholders in blinx, Quindell and other POS companies have reacted to my – vindicated – sell calls by posting bogus reviews and boasting about them online. 

Tripadvispor has been shown proof of this but has refused to act. We have not be helped by having only a 1* (on a scale of 0-5) hygiene rating from the Council. That was a result of legacy issues: years of capital under-spend and poor staff training. They knew what to do to follow the rules but could not explain why. 

We have invested heavily in upgrading the place and in our staff and for yonks have been begging for a re-inspection as we have known that we were massively underscored for most of last year. 

The inspector finally arrived last week and gave us 4/5 classification “good”. That is a lagging indicator as we have been at that level for ages. All those reviews claiming the place was dirty, etc were just lies. 

Even last week a bloke posted a review claiming the waiter was drunk. Our waiters are female – they are waitresses. Our male staff are Moslems – they do not drink. It was a lie just like the rest. 

We have been persecuted by free speech deniers. But we have invested in our staff and backed them as they produce great pizza, pasta, salads, puddings in a clean and friendly venue with a great atmosphere.  And they all understand about free speech and understand why we fight as we do.

They have seen the death threats posted to me at RMPC. They have taken the abusive phone calls. They have seen the odd stalker come in and stare at me before storming out. They have seen the reviews. And they have stood firm.

We punched the air last week and we are still celebrating. Now the fight back against the free speech deniers starts at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road. We hope you will show your support by giving us your custom if you are in the area.

We go on the offensive shortly. Watch this space!

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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