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My Work today comes to you courtesy of the excellent Arnos Manor Hotel, Brislington

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 29 January 2015

Up and at it quite early I switched the kettle on and… boom… all power on the house was lost. Normally I am pretty good at dealing with the fuse box under the stairs but today I was defeated. Leaving the Mrs (still in bed with Oakley the three legged cat) to call an electrician I sped off in the car in desperate search of a place to work.

The Arnos Manor hotel in Brislington is a building I pass most days but have never visited. It offers an excellent Wedding service and the staff here have been delightful. I have sat happily in its bar mainlining lattes and tapping away since just before eight.  Situated next to the stunning Arnos Vale Victorian cemetery – one of the major attractions of Brislington – I cannot thank the staff too much here for their courtesy and friendliness.

The Mrs has just wandered in. A little man from the electricians talked her through it and she has fixed the power. She is now Mrs Sparksy. She is reading an earnest paper for her work on how capitalists cause global warming, cancer and misery all round and rather glowing having interacted with a member of the working classes. That is going to impress her deluded lefty friends no end.

It is time for me to head back home. But if you are ever in the neighbourhood remember to visit the most excellent Arnos Manor Hotel

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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