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Poor Theo Clarke (Con) just knocked on my door.

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 27 April 2015

Theodora seems like a pleasant enough young lady and – for a politician - actually not bad looking either but the poor girl made the dreadful mistake of knocking on my door personally as she fights the Tory cause here in the safe Labour seat of Bristol East.

I opened the door and she said “Hi I am Theo Clarke” and I said “I Know who you are and I have written about you, you are not a proper Tory, you say Government should do more to create jobs. It should do less and butt out and let entrepreneurs create jobs but I’m voting for you anyway.”

I suspect poor Theo was rather taken aback. Was it the shock of finding a Tory voter in my street or the shock of being attacked for being too big statist on economics. She said that she ran her own business too. Whatever. Theo knows that she has my vote but I had to warn her that the Mrs was even more left wing than she is and will be voting Labour.

I wished her the best of luck.  To her credit she is the only candidate who has actually bothered to visit and to do so when she knows that she will get a total thumping on May 7th is all the more impressive. If only she was a real Tory…

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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