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Laurie Penny and Facebook - what a silly girl

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 24 June 2015
Lefty writer Laurie Penny is bleating about facebook insisting she - as s customer - uses real data. What an incredibly silly girl. She tweets:

Thanks to  forcing me to use my real name, I am now at more risk of rape and death threats. But enjoy flogging that data, guys.

Where to start?  Well Facebook is a company. It has costs. It tries to make a profit. I know Laurie is a lefty so thinks profits are evil but without them firms die. Laurie pays zippo for her facebook page. So Facebook has to minotise her somehow. 

She is not obliged to use facebook. If she does not like the terms of trade offered to her to set up a facebook page for free she can always not use the service. I have a facebook page as does my cat, the morbidly Obese three legged Oakley who actually takes the silly world of facebook more seriously than do I, as you can see HERE. We pay nothing but accept that facebook has to generate revenue so accept its terms of trade. Laurie cannot pay nothing and then demand her own terms of trade.

It is sad that folks send death threats and harass people for what the write. Laurie is very silly and writes piffle but that is her right in a free world. But beng a controversial writer comes at a cost. Neither Oakley or I shelter behind pseudonyms, a writer who understands free speech uses his or her own name and does so with pride.

Laurie...grow up.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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