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Friday Caption Contest – We love the EU and the Euro Special

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 28 September 2012

Across Europe we have witnessed a week of riots. From Madrid to Athens and into France the police have battled protesters. I phoned through to the EU information office and after congratulating them on the Evil Empire’s contribution to world democracy day I asked if this wholesale civil disorder driven by youth unemployment of 60% (and rising) and general unemployment of 30% (and rising) was a legitimate protest against austerity and the abject failure of the Euro.

It seems that I could not have got it more wrong. I need to pay more attention to what Lord Mandelson says about how the Euro is on the mend and that in a decade Britain will be part of it. And as for the riots? It seems that we have all got the wrong end of the stick here. The people are protesting yes. But their demand is for more austerity and the free people of Europe also wish to vent their anger about the wicked lies told by right wing Britons and the evil British press in suggesting that the Euro is somehow a failure when it has brought peace and prosperity across the continent.

Those effigies you can see being burned are of Nigel Farage, Chris Booker and Ambrose Evans Pritchard.

Across the Democratic Empire we all love the Euro and the open, efficient and uber-democratic EU. Now I start to understand…

And so to this week’s caption contest. To win a Piss off Argentina T-Shirt Please offer up your entries to this picture below by 4 PM on Monday

For what it is worth I offer up: “Mark Zuckerburg addresses Facebook shareholders and asks them to average down and buy more stock.”

Post your entries in the comments section below.

Last week I offered up this caption in honour of Sefton Resources led by Jim Ellerton

*The winning entry came from a Mr JE: ”The Sefton RNS of earlier this week put the record straight accept about the production lies published on September 11th and as ever it gave a true and fair picture … Dr Ali’s report will be published soon.

Priceless. Mr JE: irony always wins. A Piss Off Argentina T-Shirt is on its way to you.
Good luck with this week’s contest

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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