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Tube Drivers = Greedy Bastards who hurt poor people: when the revolution comes

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 17 July 2015

After six months training you are qualified to be a bolshie, greedy bastard who makes life a misery for poor people, that is to say a train driver on the London Underground. And the wankers are having another strike on August 5. 

A driver's starting salary - which follows about six months of training - is £49,673, according to Transport for London (TfL), which adds that this "doesn't alter depending on length of time in role". They typically work a 36-hour week and get 43 days of leave every year, including bank holidays. Six of the days off are compensation for working 36, rather than 35, hours a week throughout the year. The UK average household income is £26,000 and most of us get about 30 days leave including bank holidays.

Now the bastards are up in arms because TFL wants a slight shift in patterns to allow all-night services in the way any modern capital should have. It is a perfectly fair request made of an overpaid workforce.

The drivers want more and so are walking out on strike every couple f days. Investment bankers get cabs to work. Low paid workers either spend hours on crammed buses or miss shifts. It is the lives of the hard working poorer worker who are made miserable. Small businesses like ours suffer as some folks stay at home. Everyone bar the uber-rich suffers and as ever the tube drivers do not care.

When the great capitalist revolution comes we will have driverless trains and the tube drivers will be “first up against the wall.” They are greedy bastards who hurt the poor hardest in their selfish pursuit of more money for less work.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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