As I am sure you know Greece is my “second team.” Tonight they will be the second team of everyone in Europe as they take on the krauts, oops sorry Germany. I am sure there are folks out there who regard the Greeks as workshy tax evaders led by crooks. Yes, you can make a case for that. However…
The conditions imposed by Germany for Greek bailouts are destroying civilised society in once proud Hellas. If Greece agrees to what is demanded of her, unemployment will zoom ahead from 23% towards 50%, there will be an acceleration of the flight from the Cities to the boonies. And the very young democracy she has may well be over-turned. The lack of basic courtesy and compassion shown by German leaders, notably Frau Merkel, bring back images of the last time Germany tried to impose its will on Greece sixty years ago.
And so we turn to the game itself. I fear that Germany is bound to win – Greece is not very good. But they were not that good last time Greece won a European championship. Why knows? Anything can happen. I am sure that the prayers of a whole continent are with Greece. Mine too. It will bring a brief moment of joy to the starving and destitute of Athens if the Hun are beaten. Fingers crossed.