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I am becoming a sociology lecturer – its official

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 7 October 2015

Okay not full time. In fact not even part time. But I am going to give a lecture to the young folks at the University where the Mrs teaches on 21st October. Normally these impressionable young people have their minds filled with left wing nonsense. But they are in for a bit of a change and a bit of a shock

The lecture is titled “Why capitalism is good for all” with the subtitle “Greed is good”. When I told this to a mad lefty friend of my wife at a Birthday party on Sunday – without mentioning the subtitle - he said “presumably with a question mark at the end”.

This was the fellow that went on to state that sociology lecturers across the South West subsidised the City. That is to say the private sector. Whatever. Naturally my reply to this utter lunatic – who spends his working days leading our youth astray in Bristol – was “no question mark – it is a statement of fact”.

My talk, with the students throwing chairs at me, walking out in droves, the Mrs claiming that she does not know who I am, etc. will be captured on video and I shall have it uploaded here as soon as possible. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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