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Shall I go & Bash the Tory Candidate to be Mayor of Bristol? He is a useless faux Conservative

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 22 February 2016

The Tory Candidate to be Mayor of Bristol is in my neighbourhood tonight holding fort at the local Conservative Club. Being a member - for the cheap booze - I am invited to go quiz Charles Lucas as he "seeks the views" of we folks around hgere. Hmmmmm.

Reading the website for Mr Lucas HERE it is apparent that he is not a proper Tory, the sort of chap who used to think that we plebs had a right to keep as much of our hard earned cash as possible. Instead, like the Labour & LibDem candidates as well as our insane red-trousered car hating Mayor George Ferguson, the patrician twit Lucas pens a manifesto which is all about ways he will meddle, ways he will waste cash, cash he has stolen from folks like me, cash we worked hard to earn.

The Mrs, a diehard lefty, suggests that on day 8 of non smoking and feeling very upset at the death of my cat, I should go and give this faux Tory a really hard time. For once she may be right.

Tonight Mr Lucas you are my alternative to smoking...

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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